Sarasota County Council of Neighborhood Associations’ gathering to begin at 6:30 p.m. at 2070 Waldemere St. in Sarasota

On Friday, Nov. 8, the public is welcome to join members of the Sarasota County Council of Neighborhood Associations (CONA) as they address three issues: the future of the Celery Fields, a Miakka Community Club initiative to maintain the rural character of East County and a 5G survey, the nonprofit has announced.
Tom Matrullo, a leader of the Fresh Start Initiative for the Celery Fields, will review a County Commission decision — expected on Nov. 6 — about the potential development of publicly owned land “that may affect the Celery Fields adversely,” a news release says. Adrien Lucas, Glenna Blomquist and Matrullo then will explore options for responses by Fresh Start and the public, the release adds.
At the opening of the meeting, Becky Ayech, a leader of the Miakka Community Club, will discuss the proposed Rural Heritage Comprehensive Plan amendment “intended to protect eastern county lands,” the release notes.
Then, Christine Johnson, president of the Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast, and Jeanne Dubi, acting president of the Sarasota Audubon Society, will discuss a proposal for the publicly owned land that will be the main topic of the meeting, the release notes.
“Bring questions to submit for these discussions,” the release says.
Additionally, the release asks that, at registration, attendees “please provide your response on our survey regarding the introduction of 5G radio frequency radiation into the neighborhoods…” So the 5G technology can penetrate building walls, the release points out, antennas may have to be installed as close together as every 300 feet along rights of way. CONA leaders are concerned about the safety of the technology, citing an article just published in the prominent journal Scientific American. “Holding a meeting on the topic may be warranted,” the release adds.
“Note that CONA has changed both its location and the day of the month for member meetings,” the release continues. It has relocated to the meeting room of the county fire station that stands at 2070 Waldemere St. in Sarasota, just to the east of Tamiami Trail, near the hospital.
“The meetings always will be on the second Fridays,” the release notes.
“Parking is available on the site. Please do not park in spaces reserved for the firefighters. Overflow parking is across the street, in the private lot of the nursing home (under renovation) just north of the firehouse,” the release adds.
Following a traditional half-hour networking opportunity beforehand — at 6:30 p.m. — the meeting will open with brief neighborhood updates about issues, the release says.
See for more information about CONA and the topics it has tackled.