Session to be held in-person and virtually
On Thursday, March 28, from 5 to 7 p.m., the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) will host a public meeting about the planned resurfacing of State Road (SR) 72 (Clark Road) from U.S. 41 to Honore Avenue, Sarasota County staff has announced.
This initiative “will extend the service life of the existing roadway and improve safety along the corridor,” an FDOT news release says.
The project will consist of repaving the roadway from SR 45 (U.S. 41) to Derek Avenue and reconstructing the existing pavement from Derek Avenue to Honore Avenue, FDOT points out.
FDOT also is proposing access management improvements from Swift Road to Sawyer Road, the department says. “The intent of the improvements is to enhance traffic flow and reduce crashes by replacing the existing center two-way left turn lane with a raised median and reducing lane widths,” FDOT explains.
Additional improvements planned include construction of one or more mid-block pedestrian crossings with Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHB) between Lockwood Ridge Road and Beneva Road, plus striping, and signal and lighting upgrades, FDOT notes.
The project length is 3.83 miles, the FDOT webpage says. No construction timeline is provided. However, FDOT’s Five Year Work Program for 2024 through 2029 shows funding allocated for the initiative to take place in the 2026 fiscal year. The total estimated cost of the undertaking, according to that program’s webpages, is $29,445,176.
The March 28 meeting will be held at Sarasota Christian Church, located at 2923 Ashton Road in Sarasota, FDOT says. Representatives of the department will present information about the proposed design and gather public comments, the release notes.
People also may attend the meeting virtually, the release points out. Click here to register for the virtual option.
Materials about the project are available online at, the release adds.
Written comments will be accepted during and after the meeting, the release notes. Comments also can be provided through the project website, FDOT points out.
Anyone with questions or comments about the upcoming meeting may contact FDOT Project Manager Michael Rud at 863-519-2769 or via email at