Opulent October

October flower. Fran Palmeri photo
October flower. Fran Palmeri photo

NOTE: Click on any image to see it in full resolution. Those who wander natural places or garden with native plants know that Florida is blessed with two wildflower extravaganzas. Northerners expect spring to be flowery … but fall? Fall is when many native wildflowers reach their bloom heights.

September, October and even November bring a great burst of flowering and seeding plants before winter sets in. Some, like black-eyed susans, grow in wet places along roadsides. Blazing star and palafoxia prefer high and dry.

And, of course, there’s October flower, which covers sandhills, scrub and even vacant lots.
Aren’t we “the lucky ducks,” as my friend Martina Linehan would say!


A zebra swallowtail drinks the nectar of Florida paintbrush. Fran Palmeri photo
A zebra swallowtail drinks the nectar of Florida paintbrush. Fran Palmeri photo


Blazing star and goldenrod. Fran Palmeri photo
Blazing star and goldenrod. Fran Palmeri photo


Flowers adorn Oscar Scherer State Park. Fran Palmeri photo
Flowers adorn Oscar Scherer State Park. Fran Palmeri photo


A sunset at Myakka River State Park matches the beauty of the flowers. Fran Palmeri photo
A sunset at Myakka River State Park matches the beauty of the flowers. Fran Palmeri photo