Early-bird registration has opened for day-long event
Early-bird registration is open for Sarasota County’s 14th Annual Sustainable Communities Workshop, which will be held on Nov. 14, the county has announced.
The day-long event will “showcase strategies for healthy, resilient, thriving communities,” a news release explains.
Under the Growing Greener Generations theme, the workshop will draw together residents of all ages, business owners and employees, nonprofit leaders and government leaders “to learn about environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainability,” the release points out. Panelists representing multiple generations “will discuss the latest sustainability strategies, resources and best practices,” as well as opportunities for involvement locally, the release adds.
“While every generation has a unique perspective on what we should focus on, all of us are facing the same growing concerns,” said Sara Kane, sustainability program coordinator with the county’s University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension and Sustainability Department, in the release.
Early-bird registration of $35 is available through Oct. 14, the release says. The fee will be $45 after that. Those planning to attend the event may register at ufsarasotaext.eventbrite.com. “Students pay just $25,” the release points out.
All registrations include a continental breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack provided by a Sarasota County Green Business Partner, the release says. Sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities also are available.
The 2019 workshop, scheduled from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., will be conducted at the Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida Event and Conference Center. The facility is located at 4740 Cattlemen Road in Sarasota, the release notes.
Three keynote speakers are set to appear during the program, the release points out:
- “Josh Tickell, an author and film director whose work provides young people with tools to reshape political power, change the climate conversation, and save Earth’s ecosystems;
- “Chris Castro, director of Orlando’sOffice of Sustainability & Resilienceand developer of Fleet Farming, a social enterprise that redefines local food systems by building organic farms on residential lawns; and
- “Syd Kitson, chairman and CEO ofKitson & Partners, a firm that specializes in creating and developing master-planned communities focused on sustainable, responsible growth.”
For more information, visit https://www.scgov.net/government/sustainability/sustainability/sustainable-communities-workshop or call the county Contact Center at 861-5000.