Government Finance Officers Association of U.S. and Canada announces the recognition

For the 30th consecutive year, the City of Sarasota has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, “the highest form of professional recognition a municipality can receive for its budget document,” the city has announced.
The award is presented annually by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United State and Canada (GFOA), a news release explains. “It recognizes cities and counties that publish outstanding budget documents that meet program criteria and best practices” to serve as a financial plan, an operations guide or as a communications device, the release adds.
“This award reflects the tremendous time and professional effort that goes into producing such an excellent financial plan, as well as the City’s ongoing commitment to transparency and fiscal responsibility,” said Assistant City Manager John Lege in the release. “We appreciate the hard work of our Financial Administration Department, as well as the contributions of all other City departments and the important roles they play in our budget process,” he added in the release.
The 2019-20 Adopted Financial Plan may be viewed online on the city’s website,