Recognition came from the National Procurement Institute

For the second consecutive year, the staff of the City of Sarasota Finance Department’s Procurement Division has been honored with the Achievement of Excellence award from the National Procurement Institute (NPI), the city has announced.
“Our small staff works diligently to ensure all City procurements — from a small paper clip to a large infrastructure construction contract — are conducted in a professional, fair and ethical manner,” City Manager Tom Barwin wrote in his weekly newsletter on Aug. 5. “For our Procurement Division to be honored by their peers is indeed an honor and high praise.”
Barwin continued, “In fact, the NPI award committee was so impressed with the Procurement Division’s user friendly webpage,” Barwin continued, “[that page] was added to the NPI’s benchmarks indicating it’s an example of excellence that should be replicated by other organizations. You can check it out here.”
Barwin offered his congratulations to Purchasing Manager David Boswell and Boswell’s team.