So how are the city’s charter officials doing? Their ratings were released on July 2. City Attorney Bob Fournier was scored overall at 2.6 on a 1-to-3 scale. City Auditor and Clerk Pam Nadalini received a 2.3 “aggregate rating.”
The rating scale runs from 3 (exceeds expectations) to 2 (meets expectations) to 1 (below expectations). Four evaluations were conducted in late January and early February, just after the resignation of the city’s third charter official – then-City Manager Bob Bartolotta. Commissioner Terry Turner completed his evaluations in June.
The evaluations include four general categories and separate subcategories, for a total of 14 different “grades.”
Clerk gets mixed marks
City Commissioners Shannon Snyder game Nadalini a perfect scorecard of 3.0. Synder said she “exceeds expectations” in every category. Commissioner Paul Caragiulo gave her the same “exceeds” rating in 10 of the 13 categories, for an overall score of 2.7.
Mayor Suzanne Atwell scored Nadalini as “exceeds expectations” in only two categories (“serve as election official” and “professional knowledge”), and indicated Nadalini “meets expectations” in the other 11 categories. Atwell’s scorecard showed a score of 2.3.
Commissioner Willie Shaw gave Nadalini a 2.0 overall, scoring her with “meets expectations” in every category.
Turner – who has often sparred with Nadalini – gave her an overall score of 1.6. He rated her “below expectations” in six categories, including “team approach,” “personal effectiveness, “management,” “leadership,” “perform other duties prescribed by law, charter, ordinance or by direction of the city commission” and “audit comments concerning records ….”
Turner scored her as “exceeds expectations” in “customer focus.”
Thus, Snyder, Caragiulo and Atwell scored Nadalini as above “meets expectations,” while Shaw indicated she “met expectations” and Turner expressed disappointment in her as evidenced by the 1.6 overall score of “below expectations.”
Attorney gets high reviews
City Attorney Fournier received high marks from all five commissioners, for a total overall score of 2.6. Snyder and Shaw gave him the same marks they gave Nadalini, a perfect 3.0 from Snyder and a 2.0 from Shaw.
Atwell and Caragiulo gave near-perfect scores to Fournier. Both rated him at 2.9. Turner again was the low-scoring commissioner, giving the attorney a 2.4 evaluation, about midway between “meets” and “exceeds expectations.”
Not one of the commissioners rated Fournier “below expectations” in any of the 14 different categories.