Traffic detours expected to begin in latter half of January

Phase I of the construction of the roundabout at the intersection of U.S. 41 and Fruitville Road officially has begun, with the contractor, Wright Construction Inc. of Fort Myers, “mobilizing in the construction area and preparing for utility work,” City Manager Tom Barwin announced in his Nov. 1 newsletter.
“During the initial phase, traffic lanes will be shifted to the west side of US 41 to accommodate utility and storm drain installations and relocations,” Barwin wrote. “This extensive work is expected to occur through mid-January 2020,” he added.
While all U.S. 41 traffic lanes will remain open in both directions during the first phase, Barwin continued, “motorists are encouraged to begin seeking and using alternative routes,” with Lemon Avenue and Orange Avenue officially designated as the detour streets.
During Phases II and III — which are anticipated from spring to summer of 2020 — Fruitville Road will be closed to all westbound traffic between Cocoanut Avenue and U.S. 41, Barwin pointed out. Drivers will be directed to Lemon Avenue and Orange Avenue.
Coordination efforts are underway with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to expand the detour routes and posted notifications beyond the actual project limits “to give drivers as much advance notice as possible to help them make the best possible re-routing decisions for their travels,” Barwin wrote.
“A helpful project overview, less than 10 minutes long, is available on YouTube,” he added. “We encourage you to invest this short amount of time to better understand the project and anticipated timelines,” he continued.
Regularly updated information will be posted on the project website,
The roundabout is expected to be completed in the fall of 2020, Barwin wrote. It “will enhance safety for both drivers and pedestrians moving around our vibrant downtown,” he added.