CEO led the nonprofit through changes over the past two years, including a number recommended by Florida Housing Coalition

Edward DeMarco, CEO of the Suncoast Partnership to End Homelessness Inc., has announced his plans to retire effective May 30, after five years with the organization, the last two as the CEO.
“The Suncoast Partnership is the lead agency and collaborative applicant for the Sarasota/Manatee Continuum of Care (CoC),” a news release explains. The CoC comprises more than 60 agencies and individuals committed to “efforts to house those who are homeless and at risk,” the release adds. Over the past two years, under DeMarco’s leadership, the release continues, “the Sarasota and Manatee communities have seen the implementation of an effective homeless crisis response system and the Oneby1 coordinated entry system that has assisted hundreds of homeless individuals” in finding and retaining permanent housing, the release points out (See the related story in this issue.)
The Sarasota City and County commissions accepted a number of recommendations by the Florida Housing Coalition in 2017, including the establishment of the coordinated entry system, as means of helping more people transition from life on the streets to permanent housing.
DeMarco also oversaw the formation of the Continuum of Care Leadership Council — another recommendation of the Florida Housing Coalition — which “focuses on coordinating, planning and implementing effective strategies using nationally recognized best practices for Rapid Rehousing, Permanent Supportive Housing, Bridge Housing, Emergency Shelter, Diversion and Early Intervention,” the release notes.
Tara Booker, chief operating officer of the Suncoast Partnership, stepped in as interim CEO as of May 1, the release says. She holds a master’s degree in nonprofit management from the University of Central Florida, the release points out.
Booker “is positioned to keep our community moving forward and lead our Continuum of Care,” the release says.
A transition team comprising members of the Suncoast Partnership Board of Directors, the Leadership Council and local funders of homeless efforts has begun the process of naming a permanent CEO, the release adds.