Complimentary masks to be offered to those without them

A federal order that pertains to all public transit systems, including Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT), has made it a requirement for passengers to wear face coverings, SCAT has announced.
The order says every public transportation operator must ensure that each person on a bus or transit vehicle wears a mask when boarding and disembarking, and public transportation operators are to use their best efforts to ensure compliance for the duration of travel, a county news release explains.
Although Sarasota County staff has been encouraging the wearing of face coverings for nearly a year, this order “applies to all who utilize SCAT’s services, including fixed routes, SCAT Plus” and the Siesta Key Breeze open-air trolley, the release adds.
Masks also are required at transportation hubs, the release adds; that applies to SCAT transfer stations.
Complimentary masks will be offered to riders who do not have one, the release points out.
For more information visit the Transportation Security Administration’s website or read the Federal order here.