City to seek public comments on plans for improvements to the road between U.S. 41 and U.S. 301

The City of Sarasota will host another public workshop on its Fruitville Road Streetscape Project on Tuesday, March 1, in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall in downtown Sarasota, the city has announced.
The session is scheduled from 5:30 to 7 p.m. City Hall is located at 1565 First St.
The meeting will focus on prospective improvements to the section of Fruitville Road between U.S. 41 and U.S. 201, a city notice points out. The project goal “is to adjust the current suburban thoroughfare character of [that segment of] Fruitville Road … to more closely reflect that of an urban boulevard,” the notice says.
The meeting will include a description of the existing conditions and analysis of them; a review of the public comments offered during previous sessions on the project; and the presentation of draft options for the Fruitville Road improvements, the notice adds.
Details about the project are located on the city website.
For more information, the public may contact Steve Stancel, the city’s chief planner, at 365-2200, Ext. 4229.