Sample ballots for Nov. 8 General Election have been mailed, elections office reports

Sarasota County surpassed the 300,000 mark for registered voters, Supervisor of Elections Kathy Dent announced on Oct. 17.
The news came as the Oct. 18 book-closing deadline for the Nov. 8 General Election approached.
Additionally, Dent’s staff reported on Oct. 12 that her office had begun mailing sample ballots for the Nov. 8 General Election to registered.
All voters who have not requested a vote-by-mail ballot for the General Election will receive a personalized sample ballot in the mail, a news release explains.
Dent encourages voters to study their sample ballots before going to vote, the release points out. A sample ballot may be marked and taken to an early voting site or precinct on Election Day for reference, the release adds.
Voters also may access their personalized sample ballots online at the elections website at “Just click on the ‘Precinct Finder’ icon at the top of the homepage and, when prompted, enter your residence address,” the release says. “Then follow the easy instructions to access the correct ballot.”
Voters also may check their voter registration status, find their polling places and track their vote-by-mail (absentee) ballots online with the “Precinct Finder” application, the release points out.