Installation of a microtunnel shaft was planned to get underway this week and continue through next week

Temporary lane closures will be in effect on northbound Osprey Avenue, south of Mound Street, during periods through the rest of this week and next week, the City of Sarasota has announced.
This situation is necessary because of work related to the Lift Station 87 project, a news release says. Construction crews will be installing a microtunnel shaft and relocating existing utility lines in the area, the release explains. The new Lift Station will be located in Luke Wood Park.
Access to the Central Park Condominiums and Bay Street will be maintained, the release points out. During the closures, flaggers and crew members will direct traffic around the work zone, the release adds.
“Motorists should expect delays and are encouraged to use caution while driving in this area,” the release notes.
Both lanes will remain open outside of working hours and during the upcoming holidays, the release says.
“The Lift Station 87 project team appreciates the community’s patience during microtunnel installation,” the release adds.
Anyone with questions may call the Lift Station 87 communications line at 356-8071, the release notes.