Water rates to rise 5.24%

As a result of a unanimous Sarasota County Commission vote on Sept. 11, the county’s water, wastewater and reclaimed water customers will see rate increases in the 2025 fiscal year, which will begin on Oct. 11.
The wastewater fees will go up 8.24%, while the water rates will rise a total of 5.24%. Both increases will reflect a 3.24% Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) price index adjustment, which the commissioners seated in July 2020 agreed to implement. It is linked to inflation.
During a July 2, 2020 presentation, then-Public Utilities Director Mike Mylett explained that the price index “is widely used” by both private and public utilities. Moreover, he said, crediting agencies look favorably on the use of the index because it allows utility departments to “keep up with the increased cost of doing business without negatively impacting their bottom line.”
A Dec. 17, 2019 FPSC document regarding the 2020 index explained, “Since March 31, 1981, pursuant to guidelines established by Section 367.081(4)(a) [of the Florida Statutes] and Rule 25-30.420 [of the Florida Administrative Code], we have established a price index increase or decrease for major categories of operating costs on or before March 31 of each year. This process allows water and wastewater utilities to adjust rates based on current specific expenses without applying for a rate case [a hearing before the PSC].”
The document also noted, “Inflation should be a major factor in determining the index …”
The Sept. 11 resolution that the commissioners approved included this section:
“The rates, fees, and charges set forth in the schedule attached hereto … will provide those funds necessary to pay the cost of maintaining, repairing and operating the Water, Wastewater, and Reclaimed Water System of the Utilities System, including funding the reserves for such purposes, and for replacement, depreciation, necessary extensions of water distribution and wastewater collection lines, and to cover the principal and interest on the utility bonds and other utility debt as such shall become due and the reserves, therefore, and to provide a margin of safety for making such payments.”
On Sept. 11, the commissioners handled the rate increases as a Presentation Upon Request on their meeting agenda. No member of the public had signed up to speak, and no commissioner asked for staff comments or made remarks before the vote.

The resolution that they approved showed that the monthly billing fee for all single-family water customers will be $3.20, while the Monthly Readiness-to-Serve charge for single-family residences — regardless of usage — will be $18.02. Then, for customers using up to 4,000 gallons a month, the fee will be $3.09 per 1,000 gallons.
For persons in multi-family housing, such as condominiums and apartments, the Monthly Readiness-to-Serve Charge per dwelling unit will be $11.70. The consumption charge per 1,000 gallons — up to 3,000 gallons a month — will be $3.09.
For commercial customers, the Monthly Readiness-to-Serve Charge, regardless of usage, depends on the meter size, the resolution said. The lowest charge — for a meter that is five-eighths of an inch in diameter — will be $18.02. The highest charge — for customers with 10-inch meters — will be $2,071.89.
The consumption charge per 1,000 gallons will be $4.02.

For the current fiscal year — which began on Oct. 1, 2023 — the monthly billing fee or single-family homes has been $3.05, while the Readiness-to-Serve Charge for such residences has been $17.13. For consumption of up to 4,000 gallons a month, the fee has been $2.94 per 1,000 gallons.
For residential multi-family housing, the 2024 fiscal year Readiness-to-Serve charge each month has been $11.12, while a fee for use of up to 3,000 gallons a month has been $2.94 per 1,000 gallons.
For the 2025 fiscal year, the Monthly Wastewater Quality Fee charged “per equivalent dwelling unit” will be $1, the Sept. 11 resolution continued, while the Monthly Readiness-to-Serve Charge for single-family homes will be $22.48. Further, the resolution pointed out, the consumption charge, “per 1,000 gallons, capped at 10,000 gallons,” which is based on water meter consumption, will be $11.39.
Additionally, the consumption charge, per 1,000 gallons, will be $4.02, the resolution added.
For apartments, condominiums and mobile homes, the Monthly Readiness-to-Serve Charge will be $14.66. Additionally, the consumption charge per 1,000 gallons, capped at 10,000 gallons, will be $11.39, “based on water meter consumption.”

For the current fiscal year, the wastewater Readiness-to-Serve Charge has been $20.77 for single-family homes, with a monthly consumption fee of $10.53 per 1,000 gallons, capped at 10,000 gallons a month.
For multi-family housing, the Readiness-to-Serve Charge has been $13.55 a month, plus a $10.53 consumption fee, per 1,000 gallons.