Jan 17, 2025 TOP STORIES: County Planning staff working on revised Comprehensive Plan amendments from Benderson Development to make high-rise hotels possible on Siesta County residents still eligible for 25% discount on federal flood insurance policies as result of county program Residents on portion of Phillippi Creek just east of U.S. 41 in Sarasota beg County Commission to dredge sandbars blocking water flow, leading to significant flooding of homes Commissioner Smith files for re-election in 2026 ‘Bed tax’ revenue down about 12% in November, compared to total for November 2023 Sarasota city commissioners propose changes to how they conduct hearings, with city auditor and clerk planning to seek votes on specific ideas later this year Developer of proposed residential community in part of Fruitville Initiative area withdraws Grand Tree appeal discussed with County Commission in November and wins rezoning of parcel within Sub-Area G Completion of new county Emergency Services Building next to EOC expected this summer Sarasota Bay Estuary Program offering grants up to $10,000 for projects to improve water quality Blockage in county line going into lift station on Monica Parkway in Sarasota results in spill of about 3,000 gallons of raw sewage Stormwater Environmental Incentive Rebate Program launched by county staff for homeowners (free) OTHER NEWS (free): Say ‘I Do’ Again ceremony to be held on Siesta and Nokomis beaches on Feb. 14 County Fire Department to continue open houses for the public this year Gulf Coast Community Foundation accepting scholarship applications for 2025-26 school year Library Foundation receives $15,000 grant from Gulf Coast Community Foundation to support 13th Annual ‘Love Our Libraries’ Author Luncheon Sarasota County to host job fairs in January, February and March City and County of Sarasota offices and facilities to be closed for Jan. 20 observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday