Event marking the program’s 75th year will include exhibits and cake

Sarasota County Mosquito Management Services will celebrate 75 years of service by hosting a community open house on Saturday, Nov. 7, the county has announced.
This free event will offer members of the community the opportunity to meet staff, enjoy interactive exhibits and learn about all the eco-friendly tools utilized by mosquito management staff to control the mosquito population throughout Sarasota County, a news release notes.
The mosquito fish and sentinel chicken programs also will be highlighted during the open house, “along with a new tool that uses sound waves to keep the public safe from mosquito-borne diseases,” the release says.
“Mosquito control methods has evolved greatly over the last 75 years,” said Mosquito Management Community Outreach Specialist Laurie Tarleton in the release. “This is a great opportunity for everyone to see how we operate, how we serve as environmental stewards while protecting the community, and how much mosquito management techniques have changed over the last three-quarters of a century.”
“The open house will include celebratory cake and prizes, and mosquito fish will be available for free to anyone who needs them,” the release adds.
The event will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 7. Sarasota County Mosquito Management Services is located at 5531 Pinkney Ave. in Sarasota.
For more information, call the Sarasota County Contact Center at 861-5000 or visit www.scgov.net.