Project engineers to present proposal for handling detours related to the microtunneling

Residents are invited to a community outreach meeting on Nov. 17 to review the traffic plan proposed for implementation during Phase 1 of the Lift Station 87 microtunneling project in the City of Sarasota, the city has announced.
The session will begin at 6 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall, located at 1565 First St. in Sarasota, a news release says.
Project engineers with the firm of McKim & Creed will present the information, answer questions and listen to residents’ comments, the release continues. McKim & Creed developed the proposed plan to address community concerns voiced throughout the course of the project, the release notes. “Residents and business owners have given us a lot of input regarding safety and traffic routing, and we think this plan addresses those concerns,” said Robert Garland, project manager with McKim & Creed, in the release. “We look forward to getting community feedback at the meeting, and if needed, we can adjust the plan before construction begins.”
Residents may review the proposed plan on the project website,
During the first phase of construction, the Hudson Bayou Bridge will be closed, so portions of Osprey Avenue will be blocked off as well, the news release points out. To minimize inconvenience to community residents, the project team will provide advance notice of road closures and detours, the release says, and it will require the contractor to maintain adequate signage to direct traffic throughout the area.
The new Lift Station 87 will replace Lift Station 7, located at 935 Pomelo Ave, the release adds. Wastewater flow will be redirected from Lift Station 7 to Lift Station 87, which will be located in Luke Wood Park. Project construction is scheduled to begin in mid-2016 and to be completed by the end of 2020, the release notes.
For more information, interested persons may visit the above website or call the project information line at 356-8071. Anyone may subscribe to email updates at Additionally, follow city updates on Twitter @CityofSarasota.