Phase I from U.S. 301 to Lime Avenue ‘slightly ahead of schedule’
“Excellent progress is being made on the Ringling Trail!” City of Sarasota staff announced in a Sept. 2 newsletter.
Ringling Boulevard from U.S. 301 to Pineapple Avenue is being transformed into a complete street, with a dedicated bike lane, as The Sarasota News Leader has reported.
“So far,” the newsletter said, Phase I from U.S .301 to Lime Avenue “is slightly ahead of schedule. Finishing touches, including the installation of accessible crosswalks, bus stop pads, road striping and signage,” are underway and expected to be substantially completed by the end of September, the newsletter added. “It’s been a priority to complete this section and open the bike lane to offer enhanced safety to riders and connectivity to the nearby and newly opened Legacy Trail Extension,” the newsletter explained.
“For those who drive this stretch now, please be mindful that it’s still a construction area,” the newsletter cautioned readers. “Be aware of signage and pavement striping and avoid driving in the bike lane.”
Construction prep work has begun on Phase II, which extends from U.S. 301 west to Pineapple Avenue, the newsletter continued. “This leg of the corridor also will have a protected bike lane and will help bicyclists safely traverse from the Legacy Trail to downtown, where it’s expected they will have an economic impact patronizing restaurants and shops and just enjoying the special sense of place downtown offers,” the newsletter said. “That section is expected to open in late 2022. We’re looking forward to it!” the newsletter concluded.
This is great.