Brass band to lead revelers along Venice and Miami avenues between 4 and 7 p.m.

“Historic Downtown Venice is gearing up for the Third Annual Fat Tuesday Mardi Gras Crawl … Venice Style!” on Feb. 25, Venice MainStreet, the city’s tourism office, has announced.
As in New Orleans, a brass band will roam Venice and Miami avenues in downtown Venice, starting at 4 p.m., a news release says. “Dress up and follow the 2nd line parade down the sidewalks into the shops, restaurants and pubs,” the release adds. “‘Laissez les bon temps rouler’” means “Let the good times roll,” the release continues. “[J]oin the fun and join the music!”
The parade will begin at Crate and Marrow on Miami Avenue, where the band will perform its first two songs, the release notes. “[S]troll along to Mother’s Cupboard, and then on to Venice Avenue for two songs at each location — Ciao Gelato, Venice in Vogue, Daiquiri Deck, Dick’s Shoes, Venice Ave. Creamery, TJ Carney’s, Venice Wine and Coffee, Sunbug/Twist, Old Venice Pub, Café Venice, and Made in Italy, the release points out.
Additionally, the band will head to two after-parties — at Made in Italy and at the Daiquiri Deck, the release notes.
To find the full schedule, the release says, a person may follow Venice MainStreet on Facebook or check
“Mardi Gras, which translates to ‘Fat Tuesday’ in French, is a celebration of the last gluttonous day of eating rich, fatty foods before the religious season of Lent begins,” the release explains. The first Mardi Gras event in America occurred more than 300 years ago, the release continues, “when two explorers from France landed in what is now New Orleans and held a small celebration. In 1827, several students dressed up in vibrant costumes and danced through the streets,” replicating the festivities they had experienced in Paris, the release adds. That event laid the foundation for the traditional parade for which Mardi Gras has become known, the release notes.