English language arts and math proficiency scores rise for most Sarasota County grades tested

Students in the Sarasota County School District scored higher than their peers across the state in all categories of the 2019 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA), according to results released by the Florida Department of Education, the district has announced.
The percentage of those who were proficient in English language arts (ELA) increased 2 points in grades three, five and seven and remained consistent in grades four and six, a news release points out. Slight declines were recorded in grades eight, nine and 10, compared to the 2018 scores, the release adds.
Additionally, the district’s mathematics proficiency rates improved in grades three, four, six and eight and remained consistent in grade seven, the release continues. A slight decline was recorded in grade five.
Further, the percentage of Sarasota County School District students passing end of course (EOC) assessments was higher than the state average in all subjects tested, the release notes. The percentage of students passing EOC assessments increased five points in civics, two points in biology and one point in U.S. history, the release says.
For all grades tested — three through 10 — the Sarasota County district ranks among the top four school districts in the state in its English language arts scores and among the top seven for mathematics, the release adds

“Our district leadership recognized core areas that needed emphasis to ensure student success, and together with school principals and our amazing teachers, we worked to design plans to help individual students succeed,” Superintendent Todd Bowden said in the release. “Obviously, there is more work to be done, but I am hopeful these strategies will carry over and promote even greater outcomes for our students in the future.”
Results are based on all students tested, including those in charter schools, English-language learners and students with disabilities, the release explains.
Two questions:
1- Hasn’t Sarasota district usually been #1 or #2 district in the past rather than in the “top four [or] seven”?
2- How do charter schools compare to regular schools in Sarasota district?