Supervisor of elections to discuss details behind November 2018 results

CONA to welcome Ron Turner at Jan. 14 meeting

CONA President Kafi Benz listens as Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections Ron Turner addresses members of the nonprofit on Nov. 12, 2018. File photo

The Sarasota County Council of Neighborhood Associations (CONA) is inviting members of the public to a Jan. 14 presentation by Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections Ron Turner on the Nov. 6, 2018 local election results, the statewide recounts that were required, and what transpired at the state convention of elections supervisors that Turner hosted in December in Sarasota, CONA has announced.

“Our November program on the election results was derailed by the statewide recount,” a news release explains. “It was intended to present details of the demographics of the turnout and changes in the methods we used to vote — seeing how the turnout differed from precinct to precinct, by age groups, voting method, and by political registration,” the release adds.

“Finally, that may be analyzed accurately,” the release points out.

“Now we also will learn about the recount, why Sarasota sailed through the recount without incident, how our elections will be affected by amendments that passed, and what the state election supervisors discussed at their convention,” the release continues.

Following a traditional half-hour social beforehand, the meeting will open with brief updates about neighborhood issues: Chris Bales on Arbor Lake Preserve, Ben Cannon on the Bath and Racquet Club expansion proposal, Sura Kochman on Siesta Promenade and Tom Matrullo on the Celery Fields and the Fresh Start Initiative.

The social period will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by the meeting at 7 p.m. The meetings are held at the Sarasota Garden Club, which is located at 1131 Boulevard of the Arts in Sarasota. The club building is at the intersection of North Tamiami Trail, just south of the Municipal Auditorium; the parking lot and entrance may be reached from Van Wezel Way.

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