Multiple options exist for payments
Wednesday, Nov. 30, is the deadline for the 4% discount for property tax payments, Sarasota County Tax Collector Barbara Ford-Coates has announced, but “customers have plenty of time to pay using a variety of payment options,” a news release says.
Nonetheless, Ford-Coates pointed out in the release, “Offices are closed November 24th and 25th for Thanksgiving, and the last week of November is a very busy time in our offices, so customers should plan ahead.”
“To better serve our customers who like to hand-deliver their payment, the annual property tax drive-through service will be held Wednesday, Nov. 30,” Ford-Coates added in the release. While the Mid-County Office, located at 6100 Sawyer Loop Road in Sarasota, has a drive-through lane for all payments, she noted that, on Nov. 30 in downtown Sarasota at the Terrace Building and in Venice at the R.L. Anderson Administration Building, customers may pay their taxes without leaving their vehicles. The hours will be 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
“Customers should bring their entire tax bill and check already written for the November amount due,” Ford-Coates noted in the release. “The top portion of the bill will be stamped paid and returned.”
To receive the 4% discount, other payment options are as follows:
- Online— by 11:59 pm EST Wednesday, Nov. 30; payment by eCheck involves no fee. A paid receipt can be printed immediately.
- Mail— envelope postmarked by Wednesday, Nov. 30, sent to 101 S. Washington Blvd., Sarasota FL 34236, with check payable to Sarasota County Tax Collector.
- Drive-Through— Nov. 30from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at these locations: downtown Sarasota at the Terrace Building, which stands at 101 S. Washington Blvd.; Mid-County Office, in the drive-through lane, at 6100 Sawyer Loop Road; and in Venice at the Anderson Administration Building, located at 4000 S. Tamiami Trail.
- Drop box— checks only must be deposited by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 30, in a 24-hour drop box at the following locations: downtown Sarasota at the Terrace Building entrance on Adams Lane; at the main entrance of the Mid-County office; at the main entrance of the Anderson Administration Center in Venice (facing U.S. 41); and in the utility payment drive-through bypass lane at North Port City Hall.
- In personat the downtown Sarasota, Mid-County and Venice offices, with appointments highly recommended; appointments are required in North Port. Schedule an appointment at