Paving of U.S. 41 segment between 10th and 14th streets in Sarasota planned for Feb. 1-2 in preparation for traffic shift for roundabouts project

Traffic shift expected to go into effect the weekend of Feb. 4-5, city manager says

Barrels line the areas where the medians have been removed between 10th and 14th streets on U.S. 41. Photo courtesy City of Sarasota

The medians along U.S. 41 between 14th Street and 10th Street in Sarasota have been removed as Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) crews prepare to shift traffic for the upcoming roundabout construction, Sarasota City Manager Tom Barwin has announced.

The areas where the medians were located were expected to be paved on Feb. 1 and Feb. 2, Barwin added in his Jan. 26 newsletter. The lane shift is expected to start the weekend of Saturday, Feb. 4, and Sunday, Feb. 5, he pointed out.

Staging and prep work have been going on in the area for a while, he pointed out. “[T]his will be the first noticeable indication that a significant improvement project is underway,” he wrote.

The roundabouts at 14th and 10th streets “will allow continuous flow of vehicles while enhancing motorist, bicyclist and pedestrian traffic,” Barwin continued.

FDOT’s project webpage says that the construction is expected to be completed in early 2020. The estimated cost is $12.6 million. The contractor will be working on both roundabouts simultaneously, the project website notes.

“City staff meets weekly with FDOT and contractors on the roundabout project team to review schedules, exchange updates and to ensure City issues are addressed,” Barwin added in his newsletter.

A person may receive email updates about the project directly from FDOT by registering at, Barwin pointed out.