Three different sessions planned to help ringers brush up on techniques
Ring Sarasota will conduct its inaugural Fall Handbell Workshop on Saturday, Oct. 22, at Pine Shores Presbyterian Church in Sarasota, the organization has announced.
“Attendees will join members of Ring Sarasota for three different class sessions, brushing up on handbell techniques and learning ways to improve their skills,” a news release says. Additionally, directors are encouraged to take part in a roundtable discussion that will focus on best practices for bell choirs and how to expand choir membership, the release adds.
Ring Sarasota encourages full choirs to participate in the workshop, the release notes, “but it welcomes all ringers interested in honing their skills.
Registration costs $10 per person; however, the fee is $80 for choirs or groups with more than eight participants, the release points out.
The Ring Sarasota Fall Workshop is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Oct. 22. Registration/check-in will start at 8:30 a.m., the release says. “Light snacks will be provided.”
The release adds, “Ringers should bring their own gloves, but no other equipment is necessary.”
For more information, or to register, visit
Ring Sarasota’s “spirited musicians captivate audiences of all ages with a unique combination of entertainment, education, and community engagement,” the release explains. “Dedicated to enhancing handbell ringing as an art form,” the Sarasota‐based group, under the direction of former Navy bandleader Rick Holdsworth, showcases more than 200 bell instruments rung by 19 ringers “to create a symphony of sound with special effects mimicking the piccolo, percussion, chimes, and trombone, even the Tibetan singing bowl!” the release points out. Ring Sarasota attracts members from as far north as Tampa Bay and from as far south as Fort Myers, the release says.
For more information, visit, or